How much is a business portrait?
Buying a photo shoot is similar to buying a car. There is only one correct answer to the question “how much should I pay?”, namely – it depends. What does it depend on? This is a topic for longer considerations.
Just like every car will take you from point A to point B (okay, maybe not every car, but one that is worth paying for), in the case of a business photo session, the effect will always be … a business photo.
How many photos are worth paying for?
The answer is: for as many as you need. If you want your session to end with one great business portrait, you will pay for all the effort put into taking this one great business poprtrait that will work for you.
What are you really paying for?
You should also remember that you don’t pay to have a photo taken. You pay for it to be effective. And that means two things. First, you have to think about what you want to convey and then how to show it. Usually, you (with my help) are responsible for the first part; leave the second part to me.
What makes effective business photography?
Besides the above-mentioned idea, the right expression of the face, the technical layer is also important: proper lighting, attention to detail, general aesthetics and … leading the model (that is you). Most of us are not completely at ease in front of the lens. That is why the technique of working with the model – that is you – is so important to bring out your true image. You may think this is “chemistry”, but the truth is, it’s an art – a good photographer must be able to bring out something special from everyone, not just those with whom he or she “hits it off”. I believe that there are no “non-photogenic” people. There are poor photographers.
Efficient selection process
The last element you pay for is help in choosing. The photos you like do not always best reflect what you want to convey. Plus, you may not see minor defects that a professional eye will pick up on. It’s worth trusting me also in this matter. You make the final decision which portrait you choose. My role is to explain to you which shot will be most effective for you.
What else does the price depend on?
The price also depends on the fields of use in which your business portrait will be used. When you plan to run for parliament or use your image in an advertisement and your portrait will be displayed on billboards, the cost will be different than for a photo used for your CV or on your LinkedIn profile.
Exemplary prices of portraits
The cost of a portrait for Linkedin or a CV is PLN 900.
The cost of professional makeup for women is PLN 300.
In the case of men, we usually just slightly mat the skin with transparent powder – you do not pay for this service.